Friday, April 3, 2009

Wow, first blog post.....

So, I really have no idea what I'm supposed to do with this blog thing now that I have it. But this seemed like more my style than twitter, 'cuz I generally have WAY more to say than can be covered in 140 characters. I mean, honestly? Who can communicate anything coherent in 140 characters? Of course, now that I've said that, one of these days someone (probably Nicki, she hooked me on "crack-book") will hook me on Twitter and I'll be tweeting and twittering with the rest of the world out there. I'm sorry, I can't take anything that sounds so much like 'twat' all that seriously.


I suppose I'll start with the news that came out of Iowa today. Holy shit on a steek! They did it! One of the most conservative states in the union and they actually legalized gay marriage! Go Hawkeyes! For those of you who don't know, I lived in Iowa for just over 9 years. A more Republican state you will never find, with the exception of this past election when it actually went Blue. Grant Wood is probably turning over in his grave.

I now live with hubby and son in the suburbs of Washington DC. As much as I miss all of my crimson nape friends back west, I must say I do love it here. The museums, the diversity, the ability to get on the beltway and be on the banks of the Potomac inside of 40 minutes. Except during rush hour when it can take 3 days. (Ok, I'm exaggerating, but only slightly! Ask anyone who's had to deal with 270, 66, 395, 95, or The Beltway the day after Labor Day - people go into that traffic mess and never come out. I swear.)

It's 10:30 pm on a Friday night and I'm actually contemplating bed.....when did this happen? I used to be able to stay up until 3 am, sleep for a few hours, get up, work a full shift in a sweaty kitchen or waiting tables, go out drinking with friends and still have energy enough left over for sweaty sex with my hubby when we finally got back home. Whoever turned me into an adult, put me back! Put. Me. Back.


  1. I too raised a glass and smiled at the news. I would have never figured Iowa to be quite so progressive but they did it! I spent two years there and I can imagine a few friends of mine getting their panties in a wad over this. Deal people!

  2. Closet ArchaeologistApril 4, 2009 at 10:06 PM

    mamatwoboys, I've already seen some FB chatter from folks in Iowa upset over the ruling. But at the same time, I've seen people I thought would certainly have swallowed nails rather than support gay marriage wholeheartedly endorse the move. *shrug* Shows you what I know.
